Voltage Regulator — [engl.], Spannungsregler … Universal-Lexikon
Voltage regulator — A popular three pin 12 V DC voltage regulator IC. A voltage regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. A voltage regulator may be a simple feed forward design or may include negative feedback … Wikipedia
voltage regulator — Elect. a device that controls or maintains the voltage of an electrical circuit. Abbr.: VR [1910 15] * * * ▪ electronics any electrical or electronic device that maintains the voltage of a power source within acceptable limits. The voltage… … Universalium
voltage regulator — A device which maintains the correct voltage level in a vehicle s electrical system by preventing the circuit voltage from exceeding a predetermined safe value. When the battery needs charging the regulator cuts resistance out of the generator… … Dictionary of automotive terms
voltage regulator — įtampos stabilizatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. voltage regulator; voltage stabilizer vok. Spannungsgleichhalter, m; Spannungsstabilisator, m rus. стабилизатор напряжения, m pranc. régulateur de tension, m; stabilisateur de… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
voltage regulator — įtampos reguliatorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. voltage regulator vok. Spannungs Konstanthalter, m; Spannungsregler, m rus. регулятор напряжения, m pranc. régulateur de tension, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
voltage regulator — įtampos reguliatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. voltage regulator vok. Spannungsregler, m rus. регулятор напряжения, m pranc. régulateur de tension, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Voltage Regulator Module — für einen Mikroprozessor Ein Voltage Regulator Module (VRM; dt. Spannungsreglermodul), auch Point of Load Converter (POL), ist ein Spannungsregler, der beispielsweise einen Mikroprozessor eines Computers mit der geeigneten Betriebsspannung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Voltage regulator tube — A voltage regulator tube (VR tube) is an electronic component used as a shunt regulator to hold a voltage constant at a pre determined level.Physically, these devices resemble vacuum tubes, but there are two main differences: * Their glass… … Wikipedia
Voltage regulator module — A voltage regulator module or VRM, sometimes called PPM (power processing module) is an electronic device that provides a microprocessor the appropriate supply voltage. It can be soldered to the motherboard or be an installable device. It allows… … Wikipedia
voltage regulator diode — stabilitronas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. stabilitron; stabilovolt; voltage regulator diode vok. Glimmstabilisator, m; Spannungsstabilisatordiode, f; Stabilisatordiode, f; Stabilitron, n rus. стабилитрон, m; стабиловольт, m… … Automatikos terminų žodynas